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5 Reasons Why You Should Do Carry-On Only

Packing Tips

Forget checking your bag and save the stress and hassle. These are our 5 reasons to always do carry-on only.

Face it, travel these days can be stressful. Especially when it comes to flying anywhere. Delays, cancellations, and airports that are packed full of travellers. But the thing that is possibly the most stressful? When an airline loses your bags. Your stress levels immediately go up because contacting an airline is notoriously difficult to get a hold of, and oftentimes your bags never make it to your destination in a reasonable amount of time. The only way to completely avoid the chances of your bag going missing is to make sure it never leaves your side. Here are our 5 reasons to always do a carry-on.

Carry-on only = less stress

Just like we mentioned above, packing just a carry-on will immediately lower your stress levels when travelling. Mainly because you won’t have to worry about anything going missing or not making it to your beach vacation with you. You won’t need those luggage trackers, because your bag is safely above your seat in the overhead bin. And, you’ll never have to worry about not having any necessities.

Carry-on only = You can connect with ease

If you do have a connecting flight, or have several transportation parts of your travels (think flying to then catch a train or a boat), you don’t have to worry about your bag not making the connection as well. Airports are generally very busy and understaffed, so the chances of your check bag not always making it onto your next flight are increased–especially if you have a tight connection.

Carry-on only = You’ll save SO much time

Think of all that time you’ll save by not having to wait in a line to check your bag and not having to wait once you land for your bag to (hopefully) show up in the carousel at baggage claim. We love saving as much time as possible when it comes to any vacation time–why spend it at an airport waiting, when you can get to that city or beach faster?

Carry-on only = You can save on costs

Some airlines still charge a fee for checking a bag. How ridiculous is it that you’re paying to have your bag possibly lost, damaged or stolen? Save yourself some money and frustration and do a carry-on only. Granted some airlines also charge you for doing a carry-on bag (particularly some of the budget European airlines), but at least you’re paying knowing that your items will be secure and with you at all times.

Carry-on only = You’ll cut back on shopping

Now this one might not be great for everyone (we love collecting amazing things while we travel, too!). But doing a carry-on only really restricts how much you will buy while on your trip because you won’t have as much space. You can always try the old tricks of wearing more clothes on the plane on your return, or if you have an expandable suitcase, you can check it for on the way home (the only time we’d recommend checking a bag). Overall, a carry-on will help you spend and choose items that you truly need or want.